About Janie

How did I go from answering phones for others to a

fully staffed, multiple six figure business?

I had to START.

April Fool’s Day of 1997 I got let go from my office manager and technician job at a local veterinary clinic. Talk about deflated. I put my heart into that position and at the end of the day I was replaceable.

Fortunately, I had a side gig taking care of pets that I had met through my work at the clinic. One client mentioned starting a business. I thought she was crazy. Ewwww. I was a hard science person and business was boring.

Little did I know the trip I was going to go on.

Motivation and a million mistakes…

Definitely not a smooth ride.

I was 22 years old with nothing but the hubris of youth and a borrowed 1995 HP computer. With dial up internet.

But I had motivation. Eating is a pretty good one. And the dream of creating my own rules and making my own decisions.

So I dug in. Worked my ass off 7 days a week. Started at 6am and crawled back in the door at 10pm. I couldn’t enjoy anything I was creating because I was so busy doing 

All. The. Things. 

Sound familiar?

I knew there had to be a better way. 

I realized I couldn’t just DO business, I had to LEARN business.

I discovered a better way…

I read every book I could to improve myself and my business (I still do). I absorbed every educational opportunity I came across and invested in conferences and business courses on a local and national level. I doubled down on ME. 

Over time I learned…

The foundation of a business is PURPOSE. I had to believe in me and invest the time to dream big. To blow away my limiting beliefs like space invaders. To realize that I am the lid on my business, and I am the one that chooses what this business will mean for my family. That I define what I create for my clients and community.

How PROCESS is like the walls of your business. It gives you structure and boundaries. It protects you from changing business climate. Process and systems give you a framework for the daily but lets you breathe and go big with scale.

You are nothing without PEOPLE. They are the roof of protection and support. This has been the biggest learning curve for this only child. Being vulnerable and willing to ask for help has never been part of my DNA. You need people to support you along the way. You will need people on your team to see your vision and join you in your mission. You will need people in your community to trust who you are and what you do to ultimately become your raving fans.

I wasn’t an overnight success. Do the math. I’m not in my 20s anymore.


It has given me a life that I love. I am raising a beautiful family. I have created a business by design that operates efficiently on a high level. I am impacting my community and enhancing the lives of my team.

Can you picture that future for yourself?
I can help you unpack where you are stuck and transform your business through my P3 Framework to create a life that YOU LOVE.
Are you ready to dream big and get some traction in your business?
Check out my education opportunities and be on the lookout for some big things in the future!
Follow me on Facebook @PetBizHIVE and Instagram #PetBizHIVE and drop me a line anytime at petsitterguru@gmail.com.
It has given me a life that I love. I am raising a beautiful family. I